How can learning how to do research impact all areas of our lives?
Students will be able to unpack an assignment question in order to articulate the assignment requirements.
Students will be aware of other essential assignment requirements.
Students will be able to develop a systematic approach when planning for an assignment.
Language Objectives:
Students will paraphrase and summarize the assignment requirements.
Commom Core Standards:
CCSS.ELA W.7. Conduct short as well as more sustained research projects based on focused questions, demonstrating understanding of the subject under investigation.
ISTE Standards: 5c. Students break problems into component parts, extract key information, and develop descriptive models to understand complex systems or facilitate problem-solving.
Model School Library Standards: 1. 1. a Identify topics, broaden or narrow a topic, and develop ideas to direct the focus of an inquiry.
Task Word
Content Word
Limiting Word
The Lesson:
Library Expectations
Quickwrite: When given an assignment, are you an early starter or a procrastinator? How has this approach helped you be successful? Be honest!
With a table partner, students will share their answer
Volunteers will read their reply
As a whole group, the class will discuss the answers
NOTE: Students must have a copy of the assignment. The TL should have copies of the assignment in case students have lost/forgotten/misplaced their copy.
Students will receive a copy of the "Unpacking Your Assignment" organizer
Direct Instruction:
Google Slides Presentation: "Unpacking the Assignment"
How to Unpack the Assignment: Modeling
Using a sample assignment, TL will model how to read the assignment prompt in order to decode it
Students will help TL as TL fills out the graphic organizer
Group Work:
Students will work with their table partners to read the assignment and underline any important words
Students will place each underlined word into one of these categories: task, content, boundaries, format requirements, deadlines
Once the assignment has been broken down into categories, students will rewrite the assignment in the own words
Students will use SJSU's assignment calculator to create a plan and optimize use of time and resources
Next Steps:
Students will work on developing a strong thesis statement from the topic they will choose using the Inverted Triangle Method.