How can learning how to do research impact all areas of our lives?
Students will be able to access the MACHS Library online catalog and its features.
Students will be able to locate print and electronic sources using the catalog.
Students will be able to search sources using LAUSD's Digital Library databases.
Students will be able to broaden or narrow the scope of a search.
Language Objectives:
Students will be able to find basic bibliographical information for their sources.
Commom Core Standards:
CSS W.8.0: Gather information from multiple and authoritative print and digital sources, using advanced searches effectively.
ISTE Standards: 3a: Students plan and employ effective research strategies to locate information and other resources for their intellectual or creative pursuit.
Model School Library Standards:
1.4: Retrieve information in a timely, safe, and responsible manner.
Database Accurate
The Lesson:
Library Expectations
Hook (15 min)
Quickwrite: When given a research assignment, where do you go for information? Be honest!
With a table partner, students will share their answer
Volunteers will read their reply
As a whole group, the class will discuss the answers
Through (30 min)
Review of TRAILS Results: General Observations
Using TRAILS Results to Guide Instruction
Big6™ Step 2: Information Seeking Strategies
Big6™ Step 3: Location and Access
Where to Go When You Need Accurate and Reliable Information (Google Slides)
Students will record bibliographical information for each source (Bibligraphical Information graphic organizer)
Assessment: Bibliographical Information graphic organizer
Is the graphic organizer completed?
Do the three sources provide accurate, reliable information about the topic?
Is the required bibliographical information present for all three sources?
Materials: Where to Go When You Need Accurate and Reliable Information (Google Slides)
Guided Notes Graphic Organizer
Bibliographical Information Graphic Organizer