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mla citation
Essential Question:
How can learning how to do research impact all areas of our lives?
Students will be able to use MLA (Modern Language Association) citation method to cite borrowed sources.
Students will be able to create a "Works Cited" page using MLA citation and format.
Core Standards:
CCSS.ELA W.8. [. . . ]
avoiding plagiarism and following a standard format for citation.
ISTE Standards:
Students demonstrate an understanding of and respect for the rights and obligations of using and sharing intellectual property.
Model School Library Standards:
3.1 Demonstrate ethical, legal, and safe use of information in print, media, and online resources
Language Objectives:
Students will use alphabetical order to list MLA sources
Works Cited Page
Hang indent
The Lesson:
Library Expectations
Students will be given a packet that includes the front cover, title page, and copyright page of the book
The Hate U Give.
Students will use information from the packet to complete a cloze MLA activity.
Students will create a proper MLA citation for a book by following the cloze activity instructions.
Direct Instruction
MLA Citation as "recipe"
Overview of the basics
Why we cite (plagiarism)
Google Classroom:
Using a reference document, students will follow the "recipe" to cite each source correctly.
Group Work
Students will work with a table partner to finish the activity
Next Steps:
Students will create a "Works Cited" page for the sources used for their debate.
Students will be assessed based on how well they have completed the
MLA Citation Activity Google Docs
(TL assigned).
Students will receive a grade for their "Works Cited" page for the debate (teacher assigned).
Quickwrite: MLA Citation
MLA Citation Activity Google Docs
MLA Citation, 8th ed. Google Slides
MLA Citation, 8th ed. Google Docs
Google Classroom
Google Drive
OWL at Purdue
© Paula Fonseca, 2019